Sustainable Construction
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The surgery, which we call tummy tuck, is a method to remove, in which the skin and fat tissues formed as a result of excess and sagging of the skin and subcutaneous tissues in the abdominal region. This operation is needed especially after pregnancy and frequent weight gain and loss. At the same time, there is also looseness in the abdominal muscle, which we call rectus abdominis, and it is repaired during this operation. The location of the belly button does not change, but a new belly button is created. The scar that will be formed remains in the bikini area. Liposuction is also performed together with tummy tuck. After the operation, drain is not always used except some cases. Special garments that should be worn are recommended for at least 3 weeks. The duration of the hospital stay is 1 or 2 days. It sometimes takes 6 months to see the final result.
Liposuction is a method of shaping the body by removing excess fat. However, it is not a type of a slimming surgery. Excess fat can be removed from all over the body, but often done to the abdomen, arms, legs, neck and back areas. Recently, devices with motion and special for skin tightening are used instead of simple vacuum devices. Thus, complications such as irregularity and dimples on the skin are minimized. Special garments are worn for at least 3 weeks after the surgery. Massages are recommended for the quick recovery after the operation. Bruises might occur in some cases. If they do, they get healed in about 1 week. The exercises performed before and after the operation can positively affect the outcome of the surgery.
Due to aging, weight gain and loss or structural reasons, sagging and loosening of the skin in the arm and leg areas might occur. It is inevitable to perform lifting surgeries in cases where fat removal and skin tightening treatments are not beneficial. When performing these surgeries hiding the scars that will occur is an important point that should be especially taken into consideration. For this reason, we plan to keep the scars on the inner parts of the arm and leg. At the same time, fat absorption like liposuction is also performed. The pressure garment is worn for 2 or 3 weeks and the scar that occurs should be protected from the sun's rays. The duration of hospital stay is 1 night, and the average time of operation is 2 hours.
An operation is usually performed as a result of loosening and sagging of the butt and abdominal areas as a result of excessive weight loss following obesity. As a result of loosening and sagging, the butt area flattens and its projection decreases. For this purpose, the patient’s own tissues, their own fat or implants are used together with lifting. Liposuction is performed on the areas that are marked before and abdominal muscles are repaired along with liposuction. The abdominal part is planned like a tummy tuck surgery and a 360-degree lifting is performed. The operation is planned so the scars remain inside the underwear. Since it is a large incision, it is important that the patient does not smoke and that the blood values is within normal limits. It is necessary to wear a pressure garment for at least 3 weeks and it takes 6 months to get the final result.
Gerekli bölgelere liposuction yapılır ve karın kasları onarılır. Karın kısmı da karın germe ameliyatı gibi planlanarak, 360 derecelik bir germe yapılmaktadır. İzler iç çamaşırının içerisinde kalacak şekilde planlanır. Büyük bir kesi olduğu için hastanın sigara içmemesi ve kan değeri tablosunun normal sınırlarda olması önemlidir. En az 3 hafta korse giymesi gerekmekte ve nihai sonucu alması 6 ayı bulmaktadır.
Genital aesthetics or genital beautification includes the repair of the inner or outer labiums as well as the procedures for the skin in that area. If there is an excess mucosa in the inner labiums, which is usually hereditary, the excess tissues are removed with the appropriate technique. With aging, there is relaxation in the outer labiums, in this case, methods such as fat transfer are used. In addition, skin tightening and discoloration are also performed with the help of various type of lasers. If there is relaxation after giving births, in the vaginal area, lasers are used in certain cases, but if the relaxation is more, surgical methods are used. Cleaning the area after the operation is important and heavy exercises should be avoided for a certain period of time.
This operation is for correction of the extra fat of the back area or for the loose skin. If there is only excess fat, if there is no sagging skin, the fat tissue is reshaped by the liposculpture methods. Skin looseness up to a certain level can be tightened with the help of various devices. However, if the sagging of the skin is excessive, it is inevitable to perform the lifting operation. At that time, the bra line is used to hide the scar and the excess skin and subcutaneous tissues are removed. At the same time, liposculpture is also performed. The results of this operation are really satisfactory and successful results are obtained.